Sunday, January 27, 2008


Insanity arises, ebullience enters,
The whole world changes,
Roars of laughter fill the air,
Is it the crazy cake of friendship?
Friendship fills you fully;
Bitten by the bug of infatuation,
You swirl in the tornado of passion.
Tutors seem to be traitors,
Breaking heads over the bulky books,
Cursing the jobless authors;
Those snoring lessons, sleepy eyes,
Soothing comments...
Those irritating friend’s sluggish jokes,
Which erupt us in crying...
Those eavesdropped gossips,
Headphone wires biting ears,
Fingers stuck to the cell phones...
Rocking the way you walk, walkman rules over you,
Amidst these cool ones, thrives the thoughtful ones,
Pondering over their endless queries,
Shining stars with silver spoons, skids through the way,
On bikes and cars;
Rough tough guys with chains and skulls,
The silly break ups and stupid quarrels;
Among all, friendship sustains as its,
Powerful roots penetrate into your minds;
The moments overwhelmed with marvelous memories,
Dwells in your heart, till the end of your life;
So, enjoy this scoop of ice cream before it melts;
Coz’ it is served only once in a life...


Jinx* said...


i love your poetry, you are a fantastic writer!

Balasankar said...

Simply superb.. u have mentioned and related all the one with ur poetry....

Balasankar said...

Simply superb..